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aquarius Aquarius
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Your Daily Horoscope

First Decanate January 21 to January 30 Keep calm

Remain calm in the face of turbulent circumstances. Sometimes the things you attempt to resolve don’t turn out so well; often you discover it’s the people you encounter on the way who cause problems. Don't overreact, instead, recover your composure, impress others with your confidence and you emerge unaffected by any slightly disagreeable experiences.

Second Decanate January 31 to February 9 Entanglements

Involved in differences of opinion which are of minor concern to you, don't react or get caught up and respond angrily or nervously. With a little patience and some constructive dialog, all misunderstandings are cleared up. If things become too much for you, take a walk in the woods, some meditation or a relaxing bath can ease any tension and do you good.

Third Decanate February 10 to February 19 Sensitive feelings

You’re sensitive to the needs of those people close to you and have a unique understanding of them. Despite the demands, this places on you, stay grounded and don’t get too carried away with unrealistic suggestions. Do cultivate friendships but keep a critical eye on those around you, some of whom may not always have your best interests at heart.