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Your Daily Horoscope

First Decanate January 21 to January 30 Irritability and Aggression

You are likely to feel more aggressive and irritable than usual. You overreact to the slightest thing. Such an offhand manner might get you into trouble with others you encounter, so it’s important to exercise plenty of caution. The same is true in your personal life. Let off some steam by doing sports or any suitable physical activity, on your own if possible.

Second Decanate January 31 to February 9 Unusual impulses

Inconsistencies you display are a direct consequence of your emotional mood; as a rational person, even you’re surprised at the effect that your frame of mind has on your actions. You understand why others are dubious about the way you’re behaving and take this opportunity to show those closest to you a different side of your distinctive personality.

Third Decanate February 10 to February 19 The best preconditions

Take on as much as you can, with so much going for you; it’s easy to achieve a great deal with a minimum of effort on your part. In your personal life, seek out the company of those closest to you and enjoy the pleasant feeling of warmth you can share. If single, making the most of the genuine feelings you display, mean it’s easy to meet new people.