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Your Daily Horoscope

First Decanate January 21 to January 30 Expanded knowledge

You come into to contact with lots of interesting people and are stimulated to expand your understanding and awareness of your immediate surroundings. If you can’t satisfactorily resolve outstanding issues you still have to address, it’s far better to defer giving your honest opinion until much later, otherwise further misunderstandings possibly result.

Second Decanate January 31 to February 9 Social ties strengthen

Even if within your social circle, everything seems exceptionally good and appears to be easy-going, it is important you keep up your involvement. Retain connections with others, not only at work but in your personal life too. In future, you may require the help and support of those closest to you and they remember only too well your past support for them.

Third Decanate February 10 to February 19 Impulse to blame others

Try to approach things in a relaxed way without getting too wound up about any problems that occur. Ignore the urge to blame others for any misfortune; this is very disruptive to your relationships. Perhaps you need to take the time to look for other reasons for your bad luck. Don't get into arguments; you tend to say things you later come to regret.