Your mind is extremely active, as you consider one good idea after another, and want to make them happen after you’ve discussed them with your friends, or even the first person you meet. If someone contradicts you, take the time to consider what they say. In the end, you need to wind down and must try to relax without overly taxing your mind.
Second Decanate January 31 to February 9 Satisfy curiosityYou feel content, and personal problems which bother you are easily resolved. You’re encouraged to be more curious about new people, and a sense of adventure is rewarded with stimulating conversations and exciting experiences. Don't exhaust yourself, help build your body’s resistance the best way you’re able to, with regular sauna sessions or similar.
Third Decanate February 10 to February 19 Desire for renewalYou long for a "breath of fresh air" to liven things up. It's best to start by doing simple things that don’t place too many demands on yourself. Otherwise, you end up taking on more than you can handle, rather than make improvements to your daily routine. Appering to be restless, don't overstep the mark and end up doing something you later regret.