Any discussion of plans on the agenda are likely to turn out well. You express your point of view, which is enthusiastically received and understood. If you do experience any opposition, be sure to react positively and make it a win-win situation. Both parties profit from uniting to achieve a common aim and accomplishment of this aim must be your most important priority.
Second Decanate January 31 to February 9 New orientationChange is coming in your life which you can no longer push to one side. You’re full of enthusiasm and confidence which helps you to put your plans into action. Use this drive and energy to make the first steps. Talk to your closest friends and relatives about your plans, they encourage you in every way they can and enthusiastically support you.
Third Decanate February 10 to February 19 Faithful helpersYou might become more aware of who your true friends are since you unexpectedly receive assistance from them. Be generous in the way you show your appreciation. You need to surprise them or present a gift to them in an original way. You’re working especially well with others, which is not only advantageous to you but benefits them too.