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Your Daily Horoscope

First Decanate January 21 to January 30 Compromise

Feeling you must involve yourself in every argument, you appear to come across as rather arrogant. Compromise, respect other opinions and refrain from taking such an offensive stance. Make sure you don’t create a big deal out of nothing. If any unfamiliar situations occur, first consider your partner's feelings, be cooperative and don’t overreact.

Second Decanate January 31 to February 9 Emotional feeling

You feel you’re the only one that’s in the right, but are still as helpful as you can be, even if others don't accept your suggestions. In due course, it’s obvious to all who is in the right, but it doesn’t stop you from feeling misunderstood or unduly criticized. Don’t adopt a bad attitude during discussions, you may come to regret it. Instead go running or cycling to wind down.

Third Decanate February 10 to February 19 Willpower

You have come to a complete dead end. Nothing seems to be progressing, and you’re tempted to admit defeat. Consider such moments as a test of your willpower; it becomes clear how important it is to follow your plans and find the energy to continue, regardless of obstacles. Otherwise, you must let go, start over with a completely fresh and different outlook.