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Your Daily Horoscope

First Decanate January 21 to January 30 Remain Neutral

People are likely to test your nerves, but do not let them. There are those who may be jealous of you and want to make your life difficult. Instead, try listening more carefully. Otherwise, you’ll encounter more friction and feel opposed. If you are tired of conflicting views, then do yourself a power of good and enjoy a relaxing evening and unwind.

Second Decanate January 31 to February 9 Uncontrolled desires

Even though things you want vary and are often out of reach, you're prepared to spend a lot of time and money on them or take risks to turn them into reality. Keep in mind that yearning after the impossible is usually more intense than the satisfaction eventually gained from it. However, if the things you want aren't just a whim, you eventually get them.

Third Decanate February 10 to February 19 Strong Need for Recognition

A tendency to push yourself forward creates an adverse impression with the people you meet. Even if it's not intentional, your attitude disrupts any potential for things to run smoothly. Try to restrain yourself. Otherwise, you’re unlikely to impress anyone since your boastful manner makes you seem conceited and unapproachable.