This period is characterized by your undeniable composure and self-assurance in the way you deal with others. People who previously had unfriendly feelings towards you react positively, and it is easy to forget old grudges and overcome any previous resentments. You find everyone is happier when hostilities are finally forgotten and consigned to the past.
Second Decanate January 31 to February 9 Close friendshipsThe relationships within your close circle of friends deepen and lead to some unforgettable experiences. Especially in your most important relationships where you’re more closely bound, very positive processes built up over time come to fruition with incredible swiftness, cementing relationships even more. Accept everyone as they are, let the energy flow.
Third Decanate February 10 to February 19 Many tasksMarked out by being a busy period, you seem to have at least two things to do at once that require your attention. You don't get any peace or quiet and you’re needlessly put under undue amounts of pressure. Sort out your thoughts before you take on any more tasks and think carefully about what you really must do, and what you can pass on to others.