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aries Aries
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Your Daily Horoscope

First Decanate March 21 to March 31 Inner conflict

Suffering from inner conflict you find difficult to resolve, you need to reach a conclusion, that’s the least damaging for all concerned. Carefully consider everything, your sense of what is right or wrong takes priority over what is personally helpful. You must live with the decision, so definitely look after number one if it’s something you need beyond all else.

Second Decanate April 1st to April 10 Problems partners

In your personal relationships, it seems whatever you say or do is easily misconstrued and that any thoughts regarding the idea of entertaining a new partner isn’t likely to be very successful either. Concentrate on less sensitive activities instead, keep any romantic contact and communication to a minimum. The best solution is to make plans with friends.

Third Decanate April 11 to April 20 Inner peace

You acquire the composure for which you have long been searching. As a result of gaining this inner strength, you’re able to radiate confidence and integrity. Friends from your personal life or others you know from your working environment ask you for your help. Support them if you can and be as helpful as possible but do not forget to pursue your own goals.