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aries Aries
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Your Daily Horoscope

First Decanate March 21 to March 31 Successful discussions

Any discussion of plans on the agenda are likely to turn out well. You express your point of view, which is enthusiastically received and understood. If you do experience any opposition, be sure to react positively and make it a win-win situation. Both parties profit from uniting to achieve a common aim and accomplishment of this aim must be your most important priority.

Second Decanate April 1st to April 10 Sensitivity

Beauty seems important to you, and if you’re particularly conscious of appearances, this could take on an exaggerated form. However, don't attach too much importance to the way you look or judge others by appearance alone. If you’ve neglected your body, it is time to rectify this. Put a nutrition plan together and put in place an exercise routine.

Third Decanate April 11 to April 20 Pleasant atmosphere

You are responsive and accommodating, willing to compromise where agreements are concerned, and these are made quickly and in a good-natured way. Women are drawn to you, and it's easy to meet new people and make friends. Health issues pose no problems, and your thoughtfulness and self-control mean you feel well physically.