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aries Aries
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Your Daily Horoscope

First Decanate March 21 to March 31 Solve conflicts

You aren’t able to accomplish very much, don't let this deter you, by continuing steadily you regain momentum. Your personal life is similar, both with your partner and friends, look for solutions to any conflicts and misunderstandings by talking with more purpose. Stress threatens your well-being. Find some middle ground between relaxation and activity.

Second Decanate April 1st to April 10 Clear Perception

Now at the peak of your perceptive powers, you appear to possess insight into topics which normally don’t occur to you, as well as understanding more complex questions. If you make enough effort, others can benefit from your improved problem-solving abilities, which will be greatly appreciated by those who you decide to help.

Third Decanate April 11 to April 20 Broaden Horizons

Your ability to learn from experience means you are open to all kinds of stimulation with which to challenge yourself, not only intellectually but in a psychic sense as well. You want to have fun with your discoveries and stretch your intellectual capabilities. Your mental agility does not go unnoticed by the people who are important to you.