Something or someone is standing in your way. You need to work out exactly what is required from you to overcome these obstacles or whether it’s advisable to avoid them altogether. Simply use your abilities wisely and don’t allow yourself to be hindered or distracted by inconsequential issues or be lead into anything that limits your ability to proceed.
Second Decanate April 1st to April 10 Remaining PatientGenuine patience is required. Even if you are involved in heated debates, keep a cool head. Otherwise, you might upset prior plans with your careless words. Misunderstandings easily arise, so you must hold back and act impartially, not aggressively. Physical activities help release some of your pent-up aggression, make sure you drink plenty of water.
Third Decanate April 11 to April 20 Detours or delaysThings have come to a halt for no apparent reason. Although not having bargained for a change of course and wanting to stick to a fixed schedule. Instead, you take a detour to avoid the obstacle and don’t waste all your energy on trying to overcome it. It may take a bit longer to reach your goal, but you might gain more valuable experience in doing so.