Openness and friendliness abound, you can talk about your problems and emotional state without hurting others. Following your instincts, let go of any feeling you have of self-importance and experience an unrecognizable sense of harmony and peace. If there’ve been misunderstandings or an argument, now is an appropriate time to resolve matters.
Second Decanate April 1st to April 10 FundamentalsDon’t underestimate the pleasure of a candlelit evening or breakfast in bed. Spending disproportionate amounts of money on luxury items does not always result in the corresponding amount of pleasure. A journey to the countryside helps you find what you need, reminding you of what’s important in life and what’s good for your body and soul.
Third Decanate April 11 to April 20 AppreciatedThose close to you appreciate that you’re so full of the joys of living and as a result, they love being with you more because of it. You create a convivial atmosphere everyone can enjoy, especially in your personal life, others return the affection you show. Good organization of sensible eating habits and exercise boost your health and well-being.