In any other circumstances, the clarity of your thoughts and words might lead to your plans being carried out more quickly. In reality, this turns out to be self-defeating, as others find your direct manner offensive, and they challenge you. Choose your words with care and be diplomatic. Any verbal dispute wastes your time and uses up all your energy.
Second Decanate July 3 to July 12 IndecisionYou’re unsure of what to do, every decision you’re faced with seems like an intractable problem, and if you keep putting them off, even bigger problems seem to arise. Don't be forced to make half-hearted compromises – take time to weigh up the pros and cons of the situation before deciding. If you can't find a solution, sleeping on it can make a difference.
Third Decanate July 13 to July 22 ConfrontationSomething has scared you off because you’re avoiding people and any confrontation. You're doing exactly the right thing; you wouldn't gain anything by arguing and may lose control, wrecking more than you can mend. Postpone important meetings until you can take stock of the situation and rediscover your composure and balance.