Imaginative thoughts race through your mind, and you’ can easily convey clearly, newly formulated ideas to other people. Family, friends or your partner can be of support as discussions or specific suggestions you receive turn out well and prove to be worthwhile.
Second Decanate July 3 to July 12 Make decisionsYou make the decision you’ve been putting off for some considerable time, you instinctively decide what is right for yourself and your family and more likely than not make the correct choice. You may decide to start out in a direction that fundamentally changes your life, a definite decision to leave the things behind that no longer serve your purpose.
Third Decanate July 13 to July 22 Hectic lifeYou’re not showing your usual composure, but feel tense and appear rather hard-pressed, reacting more slowly than you usually do to your situation. Maybe you’re weighed down by the surrounding atmosphere of the environment you inhabit, or you simply haven't slept enough. Be sure to pace yourself so you competently manage what you must do.