Whether at work or socially, any approach you make achieves more when you’re composed and considerate rather than being forceful. The skill you show in dealing with people and this is all that’s required, is that you can become involved. However, to improve the relationship you have with your partner you need to include them in your activities.
Second Decanate July 3 to July 12 Be activeYou're facing more than your fair share of problems. Don't let yourself become too overwhelmed. When you confront each problem in turn, then your situation improves, and you start to feel in control of events again. It’s important you act immediately. Otherwise even more problems occur. If others offer help, don't be afraid to accept their assistance.
Third Decanate July 13 to July 22 Successful flirtingFeeling the way you do, you’re carried away with the chances there are to flirt, and by taking advantage of them, this gives you a positive boost, and your easy-going manner increases the likelihood of success. If you have a partner, take care not to overdo things. Flattering your ego, a little is all right, if you remember to respect your partner.