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Your Daily Horoscope

First Decanate December 22 to December 31 Being right

It seems you're able to see everything clearly and feel confident about the positions you take. The problem is others do not share your point of view and think they are right! It is important not to forget there are no truths that aren’t unbiased truths. Let the others talk without automatically taking the opposite position, avoid unnecessary difficulties.

Second Decanate January 1st to January 10 Easy going company

You benefit from spending time with others, your relaxed, calm manner is very appealing, and your relationships are strengthened. Sometimes you feel your own needs, when combined with your partner’s needs must contradict each other. The truth is your needs are easily accommodated in a way that you both find acceptable and very easy going.

Third Decanate January 11 to Jaunary 20 Uncertainty

The uncertainties that prevail and seem to surround you require you to make your position clearer. It’s difficult for you to change your usual way of thinking and this has a negative effect. Be open to a different way of approaching issues to steer clear of the obstacles before you. Don’t let your health suffer needlessly; you must not push yourself too hard.