Everybody appears to conspire against you. You’re easily aggravated, especially when people intentionally keep things from you. In any case react calmly to this type of conduct otherwise you run the risk of arguments getting totally out of hand and escalating into all-out war. Remain patient, trust that everything looks different when it’s revisited again.
Second Decanate January 1st to January 10 Deepen relationshipsAn opportunity exists to make new friends or strengthen existing relationships, your good mood helps create a pleasant, memorable experience for everyone you encounter. You get on wonderfully well with your partner, your happiness and understanding leads you to appreciate each other even more, opening possibilities that deepen the love between you.
Third Decanate January 11 to Jaunary 20 Avoid conflictsIt is difficult for you to make decisions and justify your actions. Especially in disagreements, you’re not able to state your point of view with any confidence. Avoid making matters worse, by accepting compromises which you don’t normally make. Far better to put off conversations until you’re feeling able to deal with them more confidently