Allow events to unfold in such a way as to leave you plenty of time to concentrate on really important issues and deal with any pressing new developments. The welcoming atmosphere that prevails makes you feel rejuvenated. Openings arise for you to enhance personal relationships and enjoy some special shared moment’s that put a smile on your face.
Second Decanate January 1st to January 10 Carefree timesYou interact easily with others, even those you work with are receptive to any ideas you put forward regarding your professional future. This trend continues in your personal life. Even though you have fun meeting new friends. Don't forget existing ones, as they all benefit your well-being. However, you could do with some activity on the fitness front.
Third Decanate January 11 to Jaunary 20 Overcome ConflictsTry to clear up misunderstandings or differences of opinion, before they develop further, turning into real disputes, which cause unnecessary disruption to your relationships whether they are personal or work-related. However, don't expect others to approach you, you must take the initiative if you value being on good terms with them.