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Your Daily Horoscope

First Decanate May 21 to May 31 Mood swings

You take out your anger on those people you’re closest to, and this eventually rebounds on you. Improve your attitude instead of blaming others for your continual mood swings that frequently cause needless upsets in your relationships. Don’t do too much, set aside some quiet time and examine your feelings to restore your emotional well-being.

Second Decanate June 1st to June 11 Dealing with people

You’re an invaluable team player, either by clearing up certain minor misunderstandings or by simply displaying such a degree of positivity. You find being involved with a group is very enriching and feel only shared success is a real success. Your biggest reward is seeing other people happy. That's why you're especially generous and reap the benefits in full.

Third Decanate June 12 to June 21 The philanthropist

You’re open and friendly to everyone which makes them appreciative of you and even if you’ve been previously disappointed by someone, they win you over. Try to build on these good relationships and deepen them; they may be of great importance to you in the future and make a positive contribution to whatever it is you want to achieve.