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Your Daily Horoscope

First Decanate May 21 to May 31 Irritability and Aggression

You are likely to feel more aggressive and irritable than usual. You overreact to the slightest thing. Such an offhand manner might get you into trouble with others you encounter, so it’s important to exercise plenty of caution. The same is true in your personal life. Let off some steam by doing sports or any suitable physical activity, on your own if possible.

Second Decanate June 1st to June 11 Keeping things in balance

Including your wishes with the needs of others, you make interacting with them a pleasurable experience. With such an accommodating manner, you’re especially good at putting friends or partners at ease, even if they’re feeling tense or unduly stressed. However, avoid giving physical assistance, which you may come to regret.

Third Decanate June 12 to June 21 Extra sensitive

You're extremely quick-tempered and once angered you react unfairly towards the people you encounter. You appear to be overly stressed, and needlessly show your annoyance over the slightest of things. Hold back and refrain from reacting so impulsively. If you can't manage to control your feelings adequately, then postpone important decisions until much later.