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Your Daily Horoscope

First Decanate May 21 to May 31 Uncertainty

The uncertainties that prevail and seem to surround you require you to make your position clearer. It’s difficult for you to change your usual way of thinking and this has a negative effect. Be open to a different way of approaching issues to steer clear of the obstacles before you. Don’t let your health suffer needlessly; you must not push yourself too hard.

Second Decanate June 1st to June 11 Strong dedication

Fully committed with plenty of energy available, your enthusiasm makes you feel more restless than you normally are. If you’re the type of person to make your feelings known, lighten up and take it easy and be sure not to exaggerate or overreact, as others find any unduly overbearing conduct, or loyalty and dedication to your cause difficult to tolerate.

Third Decanate June 12 to June 21 Unexpected problems

Unplanned for problems are approaching, and you’re finding it rather more difficult than you expect to get down to solving these difficulties. Do not despair, consider alternative answers. Also, think about just how badly you are affected by these problems. Indeed, it’s best if you just wait, to see if these problems resolve themselves.