It’s important that you keep your promises. Otherwise, difficulties arise from your unpredictability which has a knock-on effect. People close to you get upset, and those you work with feel let down. Reconsider your feelings towards others and don't make any important decisions, instead take some time for yourself to discover why you feel the way you do.
Second Decanate June 1st to June 11 Unsettled times aheadYou seem to be facing insurmountable problems. Don't despair, change your approach and the solution quickly becomes clear. Don't be afraid to ask for advice. Your personal life is rather erratic, with unexpected twists and turns needing to be dealt with calmly. Relax more, take a break from responsibilities, enjoy some 'me' time or a relaxing soak in the bath.
Third Decanate June 12 to June 21 ConsistencyHold back your emotions and put off important conversations until much later. Otherwise you might ruin your chances by being overly emotional, remember to keep any negative feelings you possess in check. Keep your inner life under control by practicing dealing with your negative feelings and aggression. Autogenic training or meditation are disciplines that help.