Don’t let your popularity go to your head. You are extremely satisfied with what you have accomplished, and everything you have been working towards is likely to turn out well. You may get approached by people who find you appealing, and you can enjoy this attention but must not get too carried away.
Second Decanate June 1st to June 11 ConsistencyHold back your emotions and put off important conversations until much later. Otherwise you might ruin your chances by being overly emotional, remember to keep any negative feelings you possess in check. Keep your inner life under control by practicing dealing with your negative feelings and aggression. Autogenic training or meditation are disciplines that help.
Third Decanate June 12 to June 21 Battle aloneOften spending too much time with others leads to arguments. Instead if possible, try to work alone and let people know that you’re not feeling at your best. You rely on a certain measure of understanding and easily avoid offence. Even if personal outcomes aren’t good at least your constitution is. Keep things that way, continue your efforts.