You find it difficult to explain why you feel so tense and restless. Try and avoid letting the way you feel affect the people around you and thereby causing, even more, tension to develop. Don’t make any rash decisions and mistakes. Instead think carefully about what you must do to placate those around you.
Second Decanate June 1st to June 11 Be considerateDon’t be inconsiderate towards the people that matter, who are important to you. It’s easy to disrupt situations needlessly by acting impulsively. If you are not careful, you damage your reputation and possibly get on your partner’s nerves. Direct your excess energy into some recreational activity or sports instead.
Third Decanate June 12 to June 21 Free SpaceUnable to connect with others as easily as normal, you feel misunderstood, deciding those around you are behaving unacceptably. It is important to allow some distance between you, rather than have endless discussions. Incorporate their point of view and feelings which ultimately enhances your relationship.