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Your Daily Horoscope

First Decanate May 21 to May 31 Ready to act

You’re unable to make much progress, don't be too discouraged or expect to receive much consolation from anyone. Galvanize your strength and continue to follow your dreams – even if you’re forced to change them slightly. Don't act rashly, conserve your energy. View this difficulty as a task to be completed, believe nothing can stand in your way.

Second Decanate June 1st to June 11 Willpower

You have come to a complete dead end. Nothing seems to be progressing, and you’re tempted to admit defeat. Consider such moments as a test of your willpower; it becomes clear how important it is to follow your plans and find the energy to continue, regardless of obstacles. Otherwise, you must let go, start over with a completely fresh and different outlook.

Third Decanate June 12 to June 21 Solve conflicts

You aren’t able to accomplish very much, don't let this deter you, by continuing steadily you regain momentum. Your personal life is similar, both with your partner and friends, look for solutions to any conflicts and misunderstandings by talking with more purpose. Stress threatens your well-being. Find some middle ground between relaxation and activity.