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Your Daily Horoscope

First Decanate May 21 to May 31 Open to new things

Extremely busy, a trip is fast approaching which needs to be properly organized. Prepare for the whole thing not going according to plan or running quite as smoothly as you expect. Remain flexible, open to the vagaries of chance, it’s easy then for you to react quickly to any new circumstances that arise, and everyone appreciates your effort to stay on track.

Second Decanate June 1st to June 11 Unexpected situations

An unexpected event forces you to change your plans completely and alters the way that events unfold. Don't be too upset, if you plan everything, then many of life's more surprising pleasures or unusual outcomes never occur. Instead be more alert to the many hidden treasures life holds in store, that ultimately changes your life’s path positively in the future.

Third Decanate June 12 to June 21 Stable personality

You’re very much at ease with yourself and give the impression of being a stable personality. Your sensitive approach leads people to be open and to suggest that you make any overdue visits or formal agreements, but you must be aware that you need to demonstrate the worthiness of the trust placed in you, to make full use of these positive relationships in future.