You’re likely to be on the receiving end of good news, a gift or invitation and may even receive news of achievement regarding one or other of the activities you’re involved in. Feeling good, an ideal opportunity exists to try regarding an area of accountability that turns out to be well worth your while, a chance for unexpected success!
Second Decanate June 1st to June 11 Life's temptationsThe discipline which work is likely to force upon you is helpful and prevents you from becoming distracted by the various temptations life often places in your path. If you give into all your desires and cravings, you regret it, either because of your wastefulness with money or the personal consequences resulting from your own rather wicked ways.
Third Decanate June 12 to June 21 AcceptanceEverybody is friendly and accommodating, you're well received by the people you encounter. On the romantic front others are attracted to you, don't let this go to your head otherwise any goodwill soon disappears. Instead treat others the same way as they treat you and show them you really are the person they thought you were when they first met you.