Your ability to understand any situation is good and you’re able to undertake any sort of mental task. Equally, you’re communicating without any difficulty, so possible negotiations or similar conversations turn out to be successful. You also find your general level of curiosity is heightened and you’re keen to acquire knowledge and learn as much as you can.
Second Decanate August 3 to August 13 Composure and affectionYou enjoy yourself, feeling self-assured and content, nothing much poses any problems. Having lots of fun with friends and associates, certain rewards regarding your love life come your way. Together you are more affectionate, and an increased desire to be creative in your approach brings you the most pleasure.
Third Decanate August 14 to August 23 EffortlessnessAny effort you make comes naturally, and in your private life, the activities and inclinations you indulge in are enjoyable and satisfying. Although content with your friends and those close to you, if you’re single, you may benefit from the more promising attention and understanding of someone you currently find irresistibly attractive.