Direct your energies towards building up your resources. Don’t let others lessen your resolve by becoming involved in needless arguments, which can easily get out of hand. Confidently harness your energy more constructively. Consequently, you build additional momentum and take forward steps that advance your development and understanding.
Second Decanate August 3 to August 13 Romantic relationshipsYour openness has the desired effect - you are sensitive and responsive, making friends easily. You feel quite optimistic, confident and keen to get involved, to know more people. Among these new relationships are those that involve romantic possibilities. If you don’t have a partner already, then something new could well be on the horizon.
Third Decanate August 14 to August 23 Clear up the pastA previous misunderstanding or a prior commitment needs dealing with, don't avoid the issue, use a positive approach toward the person concerned. Dealing effectively with difficult issues helps you win back friends, move forward and consign previous mix-ups to the past. You avoid unnecessary difficulties and disruptions before they resurface again.