Most things you’re involved in turn out well, any difficulties you do encounter are insignificant. Don't take on too much, instead put a stop to any frustrating concerns that have remained for too long. Free yourself from projects or tasks which deep down you no longer feel committed to. Remain flexible in case you encounter any problems on route.
Second Decanate October 4 to October 13 AggressivenessYou’re being aggressive and if this is a character trait you don't recognize in yourself, you’re going to have to deal with the fact it’s something that occasionally happens. When you feel this way, limit your contact with others to a minimum, preferable people you know and remain calm, a good way to get rid of hostility is with recreational activity.
Third Decanate October 14 to October 23 Romantic relationshipsYour openness has the desired effect - you are sensitive and responsive, making friends easily. You feel quite optimistic, confident and keen to get involved, to know more people. Among these new relationships are those that involve romantic possibilities. If you don’t have a partner already, then something new could well be on the horizon.