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Your Daily Horoscope

First Decanate September 24 to October 3 Appeasement

You possess the ability to mediate in conflicts and to clear up misunderstandings. Whether they're your own problems or your friends, you have enough understanding and patience to listen to everybody and find the ideal compromise for all those involved, from whatever side. Should anyone be left out, your warmth and understanding helps console them.

Second Decanate October 4 to October 13 Enjoy the ride

As you encounter others they are captivated by your charisma that’s apparent for everyone to see. Revel in the admiring glances you receive but be careful not to get too carried away, such self-admiration is not a very attractive trait or way to behave. Relax and enjoy the ride for what it is and remember the magic is lost when you try in any way to control it.

Third Decanate October 14 to October 23 Sense of beauty

You feel an irresistible attraction to all things beautiful. Perhaps you’re inspired and reveal imaginative qualities in yourself that you’re able to make a reality or you happen to meet person you find attractive who takes your breath away. Dare to look behind the facade for flaws, flawed beauty is often true beauty but you have to look deeply to discover it.