You feel completely comfortable and have a chance to accomplish something worthwhile. Being determined to make a success, people notice your enthusiasm and offer their support. Stay in contact with old friends and make new ones, many of whom are likely to become involved in shaping your future beneficially.
Second Decanate October 4 to October 13 Openness countsWhen you change your attitude, you can confront circumstances more easily and arrive at a successful outcome. Separate yourself from the established way of looking at the situation and adopt a new approach. Be very careful about making accusations or trying to blame others – it's possible you have made mistakes. Be open and then you learn about yourself.
Third Decanate October 14 to October 23 Be activeYou're facing more than your fair share of problems. Don't let yourself become too overwhelmed. When you confront each problem in turn, then your situation improves, and you start to feel in control of events again. It’s important you act immediately. Otherwise even more problems occur. If others offer help, don't be afraid to accept their assistance.