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Your Daily Horoscope

First Decanate September 24 to October 3 Grit your teeth

Plans you try to implement, require you to focus attention, more than ever it’s important to accept that you cannot change certain things and you don’t allow your disappointment to stand in your way, instead concentrate on things which lie ahead. With the correct amount of patience and persistence, even if it takes longer you reach your goal.

Second Decanate October 4 to October 13 Detours or delays

Things have come to a halt for no apparent reason. Although not having bargained for a change of course and wanting to stick to a fixed schedule. Instead, you take a detour to avoid the obstacle and don’t waste all your energy on trying to overcome it. It may take a bit longer to reach your goal, but you might gain more valuable experience in doing so.

Third Decanate October 14 to October 23 Mood swings

You take out your anger on those people you’re closest to, and this eventually rebounds on you. Improve your attitude instead of blaming others for your continual mood swings that frequently cause needless upsets in your relationships. Don’t do too much, set aside some quiet time and examine your feelings to restore your emotional well-being.