Don't try to force your opinions on others, however much you try agreement cannot be reached and other people's opinions differ considerably from your own ideas. Control your emotions and avoid any heated discussions otherwise additional problems adversely affect your mental state, energy is quickly depleted, and you find it difficult to cope.
Second Decanate October 4 to October 13 Feeling TenseYou are feeling unusually tense, and it is unwise to speculate as to the reason why. Instead, accept it is just the way you feel. You should not take any differences of opinion too seriously. If you say something wrong, apologize, people are likely to forgive you, everyone knows bad moods pass as quickly as they come.
Third Decanate October 14 to October 23 Take Care of YourselfYou can’t change the way you feel, consequently, if you can, take it easy and don’t place yourself in any unnecessarily stressful situations. Avoid stepping out of your comfort zone, stay in familiar surroundings, spend time relaxing in the company of those you know, until you have regained your usual energy and composure.