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Your Daily Horoscope

First Decanate September 24 to October 3 Strong dedication

Fully committed with plenty of energy available, your enthusiasm makes you feel more restless than you normally are. If you’re the type of person to make your feelings known, lighten up and take it easy and be sure not to exaggerate or overreact, as others find any unduly overbearing conduct, or loyalty and dedication to your cause difficult to tolerate.

Second Decanate October 4 to October 13 Wishlist

Postpone shopping trips, especially those concerning expensive items you might easily pay too much for or do not fully appreciate the risk attached to the purchase that may result. The same principle holds true concerning other aspirations you have, the ultimate price you pay may turn out to be far too high, with you acting in such a rash and impulsive way.

Third Decanate October 14 to October 23 Questionable conduct

You’re involved in frequent conversations but unfortunately you tend to push yourself forward at the expense of others, not on purpose, but in a particularly annoying way. Take a step back occasionally, look at things from the viewpoint of an unbiased observer. You’re then able to see clearly the affect you have on others and alter your conduct accordingly.