You find it difficult to concentrate, and in trying to accomplish so much, end up taking out your frustration on the people closest to you. Of course, they do not appreciate being treated in this way, and retaliate accordingly. Patience is what is required, your own interests don't always have to come first. Having achieved so much already, you deserve to give yourself a break.
Second Decanate October 4 to October 13 Provocative sexualityEncounters seem to be of a more sensual nature than usual, and when confronted by someone provocative, if you’re not already in a relationship, it’s difficult to resist the temptation to become involved. With undisciplined attitude, incidents occur, and you’re unlikely to be aware enough to behave appropriately.
Third Decanate October 14 to October 23 MisunderstandingsAlthough you're inventive, there is little strength of purpose to be effective. In matters of the heart you’re impulsive, and as a result, misunderstandings and tensions are likely to occur. Don’t spend unnecessarily on items you don't need, similarly; you may be tempted to eat or drink too much and then feel uncomfortable.