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Your Daily Horoscope

First Decanate September 24 to October 3 Many tasks

Marked out by being a busy period, you seem to have at least two things to do at once that require your attention. You don't get any peace or quiet and you’re needlessly put under undue amounts of pressure. Sort out your thoughts before you take on any more tasks and think carefully about what you really must do, and what you can pass on to others.

Second Decanate October 4 to October 13 Economical

Obstacles you need to overcome mount up. Take care you don't overstretch the resources required to deal with them. Think about which obstacles get in the way and prevent you making real progress or are indeed worth spending time and energy on. Otherwise, errors lead to deterioration in the level of effort needed to deal with them effectively.

Third Decanate October 14 to October 23 Differences

Things aren't going well for you, if disagreeing with people, you continually make yourself appear foolish. Be careful, since you tend to make mistakes and need to be especially attentive in your personal life. Your changing moods don't go down well with those who you are close to, the smallest misunderstanding with your partner, can easily lead to an argument.