You concentrate on several things at once, planning your working day and making progress in the way you direct your energy towards a single goal. This gives you the stamina and perseverance you need to get things underway. Try to win other people over - by doing so you reach your goal even more quickly. Those around you are impressed by your effort.
Second Decanate October 4 to October 13 UnrestMoodier than usual, it’s easy to misleadingly convince yourself into blaming others for the way you feel. Instead, direct your energy towards what is troubling you, and resolve these issues without ruining relationships with the people involved on the periphery of your concerns. Consider your demands may be unacceptable to others and cause an unintended reaction.
Third Decanate October 14 to October 23 Erotic desireYou may well feel attracted to someone, regardless of whether they are available or not, this is a dangerous area to contemplate and unless you want to get yourself into trouble, do your best to avoid dwelling on this type of scenario. Depending on your character, you either have your thoughts under control or if not, deal with them as best as you can.