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Your Daily Horoscope

First Decanate September 24 to October 3 Emotional time

You exhibit your true feelings, and your openness means that people around you know where you stand and react positively, enabling you to easily make new acquaintances. You may well make a decision that turns out to be useful for everyone concerned. It’s very important you keep to your side of the bargain, which fundamentally changes your life.

Second Decanate October 4 to October 13 Take comfort

Confronted by an increasing number of unforeseen and testing events, at first you attempt to blame other people, who aren’t always responsible, sometimes it's your fault. Remain calm and relaxed, view any difficulties as a welcome opportunity to put in progress a new approach to resolving issues. Rediscover your composure and appear much stronger.

Third Decanate October 14 to October 23 Avoid conflicts

Avoid debates about your beliefs, you’re on the defensive and easily upset or insulted if quizzed, putting you in a weak position, so keep your composure and if necessary postpone any appointments rather than speak out too hastily. Follow your intuition, withdraw to a private place where you can find the peace you need to feel better.