Doubts you possess cause you to be unable to come to any conclusions. Eventually, you see things in a clearer way. You feel confident enough to be able to decide and obtain something good from the outcome. Finally, you see problems from different perspectives finding a compromise that’s acceptable to everyone concerned.
Second Decanate March 2 to March 10 Uncontrolled desiresEven though things you want vary and are often out of reach, you're prepared to spend a lot of time and money on them or take risks to turn them into reality. Keep in mind that yearning after the impossible is usually more intense than the satisfaction eventually gained from it. However, if the things you want aren't just a whim, you eventually get them.
Third Decanate March 11 to March 20 New approachYou probably feel the need to overturn old ways of doing things and develop a new approach to your plans that makes full use of your talent for inspiring others. Where a personal relationship is concerned, you achieve a great deal and it's appropriate to replace outmoded routines in your life together, and discover a new pastime you both take pleasure in.