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Your Daily Horoscope

First Decanate February 20 to March 1st New Insights

You perceive your world in a new way, many things formerly concealed from you are now in the open, and you gain a fresh perspective. Share the products of your increased awareness with others. Take time to look after your health. An increased level of mental power lets you more easily recognize unhealthy habits.

Second Decanate March 2 to March 10 Change perspective

It’s very tempting to only trust in the tried and proven, but this is also how things become stuck in a rut. Look for new ways of how you can achieve success. In the event you do make a new start, those closest to you react positively and also offer invaluable help. Gratefully accept this, since you’re able to learn a great deal from the experiences of others.

Third Decanate March 11 to March 20 Positive start

Risking a new start is perfect timing, you have the energy required to get a planned project out of the starting blocks. If you confide in those around you, they help you to take the first steps towards a successful outcome. The positivity you generate and display is attractive to others. You can form ties with new contacts and be sure of their willing support.