Faced with new challenges in your job, you receive support at just the right time, so you’re able to calmly complete any project, even if the help appears to come from unusual sources, do not turn it down. In health matters, you can set the course positively for the future if you approach things with patience and care and can renounce your old habits.
Second Decanate March 2 to March 10 Timely new beginningA much-needed change of perspective gives you the boost you need to put into action new plans that significantly affect your life in the future. It seems you’re more influential than ever and others recognize that your skills are considerable. You readily share your ambitions, persuading others to help you get any new project off the ground and be successful.
Third Decanate March 11 to March 20 Mood swingsYou find that your mood fluctuates more than normal, you’re easily irritated and find it difficult to put up with the whims of others. Regardless of the way you’re behaving, problems with your love life become apparent for reasons you find difficult to understand. Address any existing tensions between you to relieve the stress and take it easy!