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Your Daily Horoscope

First Decanate February 20 to March 1st Extravagance

Guard against the perils of extravagance and overindulgence in any way you can. Your current fantasies are unlikely to be fulfilled; they’re just excessively optimistic. Try not to feel so dissatisfied with your circumstances and be as realistic as possible, instead of needlessly having such impractical feelings and yearnings, that ultimately don’t make you happy.

Second Decanate March 2 to March 10 Arrogance

Feeling sure of yourself and convinced you can take on anyone in an argument and win, your self-confidence is easily perceived as arrogance. Practice restraint, especially if you have any doubts about the validity of your arguments and be sure to respect the views of others. It’s little use to you, if as a result no one even listens to you when you’re in the right.

Third Decanate March 11 to March 20 Attitude

Your immediate reactions and responses are needlessly aggressive and make real enemies of anyone who dares to stand in your way. Adopting a more restrained approach is preferable. Do not say things you may later regret that are difficult to retract, especially if you’re not a hundred per cent sure of your facts, keep quiet, think twice before saying anything.