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Your Daily Horoscope

First Decanate February 20 to March 1st Tension

It’s difficult to unwind, and your restless conduct has a negative effect on the people around you. Don't take out your resentment on your loved ones, but try to overcome it. Pay some attention to your fitness and well-being, if you feel tense, and rather anxious - a relaxing massage or long session in the sauna can work wonders, and you’re your old self again.

Second Decanate March 2 to March 10 Sources of inspiration

Make the most of every opportunity to breathe new life into your ideas and plans. Both the conversations you have with friends or colleagues and a change to your outlook are helpful. Be open to new experiences and ideas presented to you, but don't let yourself be swayed far from your original path. Continue to be true to yourself as much as you can.

Third Decanate March 11 to March 20 Pleasant Experience

You can suggest or develop any new initiatives, as most of your undertakings, even those you thought unlikely to succeed, turn out better than expected. Others respond well, and if single you can take advantage of your popularity. Feeling invincible, don’t put at risk what you can achieve, instead use your common sense!