Made to feel welcome and easily accepted by everyone you meet, make sure to return the love receive in equal measure, and you’re able to win over people who become life-long friends. With such a welcoming and positive attitude toward the people you meet, there is even a chance that you discover 'the one' love interest that previously eluded you.
Second Decanate December 2 to December 11 Unrealistic goalsYour normal go-getting ways aren’t realistic. On other occasions, they may be appropriate, but currently, you’re inclined to put off activities and let your time idly pass. With such an indifferent attitude, you’re unlikely to feel very satisfied and unsurprisingly your attempts to find gratification lead to some less than pleasant consequences.
Third Decanate December 12 to December 21 Inner tensionsYou’re feeling a bit tense and have been unable to understand why. There isn't a reason why you’re suffering from such unjustified pressure, you should be in the best of moods, but instead, you feel worse than usual. Don't grumble about this just accept the way you feel. Your ill-tempered manner vanishes just as quickly as it first appeared.