It’s important to maintain good relations with others if you want to continue to get on well with them. Approach situations with restraint and consideration, rather than putting your own needs first, think about the wishes of those you care about most. Don’t confuse your ambition with a ruthless pursuit of success.
Second Decanate December 2 to December 11 Increased AwarenessTry to be less forthright and avoid upsetting the relationships that you value most. Instead ask yourself if you need to spend more time concentrating on your personal life and make improvements, by being more responsive to your loved ones. Acting in a confrontational way never goes down well, it is not appreciated by anyone.
Third Decanate December 12 to December 21 Be ConsiderateBe sure to spend more time with your loved ones; you must not neglect them. Don’t forget that normal activity supports and nourishes your reserves of energy. By maintaining a healthy mind and body, you are far more effective. Don’t place so much importance on career advancement for your well-being.