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Your Daily Horoscope

First Decanate November 23 to December 1st Alertness and efficiency

Using your alert and active mind, you can complete written work efficiently and successfully conduct a variety of different conversations. Knowing exactly what you want to achieve is beneficial, enabling your involvement with others to be put on a secure footing. Consequently, colleagues notice how up front you are and how effortlessly you accomplish your tasks.

Second Decanate December 2 to December 11 Uncertainty

The uncertainties that prevail and seem to surround you require you to make your position clearer. It’s difficult for you to change your usual way of thinking and this has a negative effect. Be open to a different way of approaching issues to steer clear of the obstacles before you. Don’t let your health suffer needlessly; you must not push yourself too hard.

Third Decanate December 12 to December 21 Difficult feelings

Unable to reasonably cope you find it difficult to understand and make sense of how you’re feeling. Your mind knows what must be done but your feelings prevent you from acting sensibly. Accept your feelings, as you cannot change them. Find yourself a quiet and secluded place and decide if you want to follow the feelings of you heart or your head.