Combining clever observation and your common sense allows you to evaluate all aspects of any problems. You’re able to rely on your intuition to competently deal with complications without help and personal problems are easily resolved. With increased awareness and sensitivity, you stay in tune with your body, quickly reacting to any obvious health issues.
Second Decanate December 2 to December 11 New strategiesProblems you face are difficult to overcome when in your effort to solve them you still use the same approach. Change your method, come up with a new strategy and don't allow others to change your mind or alter your plans. A solution is totally within your grasp; with self-confidence, you overcome any intractable problems and take charge of the situation.
Third Decanate December 12 to December 21 Select ObjectivesContradictory objectives are no longer an option. It is time to make up your mind and decide what you want from life. First, you must think carefully, concentrate and accurately determine which of your options is best for you to follow. Once you have made your decision, you can pursue your goal with confidence.