You feel off balance, and others don’t appreciate such a surprisingly extreme attitude. Your unusually offhand mood can hamper progress, so try to be more diplomatic. To avoid unwanted strains or accidents, it is important; you do not undertake any strenuous physical activities without first thinking carefully.
Second Decanate December 2 to December 11 CreativityYou’re inventive, giving free rein to your creative ability you discover a new side of yourself. It could be a project, with which you can amaze your colleagues at work, or you might persuade your friends to start a new interest or become involved in some group sporting activity, and you have fun together doing it.
Third Decanate December 12 to December 21 SimplicityAccording to plan, work commitments are easily dealt with, leaving you time to devote to things you're interested in or find more important. Your warm-hearted way of dealing with people you care for, assures you the satisfaction and contentment you require, which you get from the affectionate response, received in return.